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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Not satisfied with U.S. history, some conservatives are rewriting it | McClatchy

Not satisfied with U.S. history, some conservatives are rewriting it | McClatchy

That's wonderful. Now if you don't like the way history went, you can make it up yourself. Texas should be the laughing stock of the rest of the world, but it isn't because Americans and the World have become used to our idiocy.

I understand having diverse views. I don't like that McCarthyism happened, but it did, and I can't erase it. Apparently, if you're a conservative, you CAN erase any historical fact that you don't like. Just call them socialist or communist lies and you're all set.

We are in danger of becoming a nation of make believe. Let's understand this; if we do not accept that there are divergent views, whether we agree with them or not, the world is going to pass us by, and quickly!

Making up our own history does not change the fact that these things actually happened. Thomas Jefferson WAS our president, and the founding fathers DID seem to want to keep church and state separate. These are facts, regardless of what the Morons in Texas may wish. I feel sorry for all of the students of Texas schools who will grow up not knowing their true history because their school officials are brain dead.

Today I saw a car with a bumper sticker that said "Don't Mess With Texas", I immediately thought, "don't worry, who the hell wants it!"

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